8/10 - Week 10
I've been trying to figure out why sometimes I get into a bit of a funk on Saturday's. I mean please don't get me wrong, I get so excited when the weekend rolls around because we get to spend time as a family and Lew is around to help me out and be the great dad that he is. But i guess for right now, my weekend is not that much different than my weekday... making them basically interchangeable. So sometimes, in the middle of a NYC summer, I wonder "where the hell did my Saturday go?" But it goes without saying that i would not trade any day with Violet and Lew for anything in the whole entire world.
Welllll, maybe I would trade just one Saturday night at home for a much needed night out on the town! At 3 pm this past Saturday my good friend Jessica knocked on our door. Just dropping by to say hi? Just in the neighborhood and needed to pee? nope- she was there to "give me a night out". So, question- does it make me a bad mother (but a good wife) that my first instinct was to hand her Violet and high tail it to the bedroom to get dressed for a hot date night with Lew?
Well, it wasnt quite that. But it was a night out with the girls! Within minutes my bag was packed and Jessica and I were off like a dirty Onsie and on our way to Exhale Spa for a massage! Lew organized a whole "mommies night out" with 3 of my closest friends which included a massage and a shvitz, several bottles of wine, some chicken, 4 drunk girls being way too loud and ending up laughing all over the Highline. Yes, my husband is THAT good and my girlfriends are the best and the only thing "Funky" about this Saturday was the table of rude people sitting next to us at dinner.
But every wild and crazy evening must come to an end... except if your daughter is not sleeping through the night! Then it just goes on and on and on. But truth be told, even though I so enjoyed letting loose with my amazing friends, Lewy and I still text throughout the night like Newlyweds, and I definitely thought about Violet in between every other sip of wine I had (and thats A LOT in case you were wondering).
WHAT THE HELL WOULD I DO WITHOUT... Barbutto restaurant! Get the chicken and enjoy the outside seating. http://www.barbutonyc.com/