"Subject: Just a glimpse...
Into my day/night as a mother today (and this is with babysitter, how could I complain?) sorry have not returned your email but...
6 am, rise and shine, Violet wakes up. Have a stomach ache, major naush (not pregnant how dare you even think! lol) Suck it up. Try to hold violet off in her crib till she eats at 6:30 am. Feed Vi, play with Vi, Vi takes a nap 7:45 am. Drink coffee, eat breakfast (oatmeal fyi), fold her laundry. Violet wakes up at 9am. Change her. Yay, babysitter walks through the door! Hand violet over so I can go exercise. RUN to the gym to RUN (huh?!). RUN home. Shower, kiss violet and RUN uptown for eyebrow wax at Barney's ( I would run to the moon for Robert Sweet William and his amazing arch). RUN downtown to BuyBuy Baby to return a winter bundle thing for Violet's stroller. Can't decide (AGAIN) which one to get. The kind (but slightly annoyed?) employee at BuyBuy tells me I am "over thinking it and just buy something, they are all good". Leave with no Bundle me, unsuccessful trip number 3 in 4 days. Go to Whole foods- see long lines and only have 1 more hour with babysitter so I just grab some things, anything really, to make some lunch/dinner for myself. RUN home, 1:30 - Violet is still sleeping, babysitter leaves. Thankful my daughter loves her naps! Sit down to eat and look at the many unresponded emails. Eat fast... fast! Violet wakes up. I missed her even the 3 hours I was away... feel overwhelmed with love. Feed Violet. RUN to a play date at 3 PM. Play...ish. RUN Home by 4 just in time for a nap - for her not me. Violet goes to nap at 4:19 pm. Shopping on line time! For her, not me. I order things from diapers.com and a fleece for her from old navy.com. Look at the clock- 4:55 pm - have to wake her up so she can go back to bed and eventually so can I. She is so amazingly cute when she wakes up from sleeping. I love her something crazy! Dance party in her room to music from Glee for 30 minutes straight (like a RUN but just going in circles). 5:30 pm, bath!! Lew pops in before school to say hi. Complain to him about stomach. Lew leaves. Bye, bye Lewy. Violet starts her dolphin shriek noises - not so much music to my ears. Put on Baby Einstein DVD for her. Unload dishwasher, prepare bottles. Sit down for 10 minutes and stare into space. 6:10 pm show is over. Keep violet distracted till 6:20pm when i feed her (always the 10 longest minutes of the day). 6:45 pm bed time books. 6:55pm put her in her crib for bedtime. Hoooray, relaxation time for us both! Really feeling a stomach ache now, bad enough that i forego my glass (or 2) of evening wine and just make some plain pasta (didn't need to go to whole foods after all, argh). Turn on monitor sit down to eat... Hear violet fussing more than usual, she's usually the best and goes right to bed! Go in, she spit up a nice amount. Have to take her out of crib and change the sheets (crib sheets VERY hard to change fyi!!). Change sheets, change her pjs, kiss goodnight put her back in crib. Go back to eat. Start eating and hear grunting from the monitor-- know what this means. Go in to change her poop diaper. Been wondering when that was gonna get here all day :) Take her out of crib change her again. Put her back in crib, kiss goodnight. Violet sleeps, that's my girl! Go back to finish my dinner (warm pasta now resembles more of a pasta salad in temp). Start to eat. Realize I forgot to wash hands. Fuck it. Too tired to get up. Eat. Clean up a bit, write you and email, attempt to watch Gossip Girl but realize for the 5th time this season that I am just getting too old for it. Turn off lights and go to bed to wake up tomorrow and do it all again. I feel accomplished. I would be lying if I didn't admit I love this. I do, I really, truly do. Best job on the planet. Even on a rainy day with no babysitter (i.e. tomorrow - lots of DVR Rachel Zoe for Violet and I).
Signing off for the night. Will talk to you girls when shes in college. mwa